urine infection remedies for both men and women

urine infection remedies for both men and women

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Total visits: 139
Posted on: 13th Feb 2015
Hordeolum � also referred as stye, is a swelling near the edge of the eyelid as the glands at the base of the eyelash become obstructed.  Stye is uncomfortable and can be painful.Most skin problems would require clinical care by medical professionals but it helps to take note of the following tips on bladder infection pain relief here:

Make sure to always clean and cover areas of skin that have been injured.
Do not share towels, sheets, clothing until the infection has been fully healed.
Do not touch to avoid spreading it to other parts of your body.

There are several practical ways to prevent infections from happening, thus, staying disease-free.  Simple regular hand washing with soap and water before meals, after coughing and sneezing, after using the toilet can rid you of most germs.  In the absence of soap and water, there are alcohol-based hand-sanitizing gels that are available for protection.

  Medicines such as anti-parasitic drugs can protect you from getting malaria while travelling.  Over-the-counter drugs such as antibiotic creams can minimize infections due to minor cuts and injuries.

Always remember that cleanliness and good skin care hygiene is not just a form of vanity but it is a way of keeping your skin healthy and strong to be able to protect you in warding off bacterial infections as well as preventing many skin problems.

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