Lighten Up!

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Lighten Up!

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Total visits: 114
Posted on: 10th Jan 2015

View The Cup Half Full And Not Half Empty

When foul things happen, don�t just centre on the negative of the situation. Doing that will drive you loony! View the beneficial side to everything that you deem damaging. Viewing the good out of every damaging thing will likewise keep you in good spirits as you won�t be viewing things in a damaging way but in a favourable way. Thinking positive is the main point here.

Work out! Doing exercise step-ups you endorphin levels, releases tension and helps you get into better shape, which likewise in turn helps you feel better. Doing physical exercise, keeping positive and not letting the little things get to will keep you in good spirits, and give you more beneficial relationships with everyone.

If I asked you to name what a depressed individual looks like, can you do it? It should be easy. Humped shoulders, slumped posture, eyes looking down, frowning, no energy and so forth. The anatomy is wired this way. When you feel blue, you�ll act/look this way. When you act or look this way, you�ll feel blue. There's a physical neurological association between the 2.

So likewise, we have a association between happiness and laughter.

When You�re Happy, You Make Yourself Laugh. When You Laugh, You�re Making Yourself Pleased.

In an experiment to examine effects of laughter and grinning, clinically depressed individuals were asked to smile (with no reason for doing so) for a particular length of time daily. This lasted for weeks. At the end of the study, all implied in the study reported feeling much happier as a result of it than they ever did in a lot of years of treatment and medicine.

What does this say to us? It tells us that how happy we prefer to be partly depends upon how often we decide to laugh.

There have been assorted medical analyses made on the advantages of laughter. As a matter of fact, many MD's around the world encourage patients to rent amusing movies, cartoons, listen to jokes and so forth to help in their convalescence. Laughter isn't just an outside display of happiness, but inside the body there's stuff happening likewise. Laugher activates positive chemical and hormonal changes in the body. This is how it bears on one�s health.

When you laugh, what you�re doing is telling yourself that you are able to handle the state of affairs. Unconsciously that�s what you're telling your mind. While you�re laughing your mind believes �Wait a minute, I�m laughing. That must mean that I may handle this. I guess matters aren�t that foul after all�

Laughter promotes favourable thoughts and feelings, and these have an affect on the body. I'm a firm believer of the phrase �What you think, you become�. Damaging thoughts and self image brings on dis-ease and illnesses, while laughter and favourable thoughts renew and heals the body.

With so many advantages and reasons to laugh, cultivate a lifestyle filled with smiles and laughter. It might be difficult at the start, but keep at it for a while and this habit will be formed inside you. So begin today and laugh away!

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