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Getting Your Articles Out

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Total visits: 485
Posted on: 28th Jun 2015

Before you send out any articles to anyone, you must read their guidelines fully! Failure to follow the set guidelines for posting/submitting your article usually ends with straight out rejection.

Most people will want the following.

1. Article 500 to 700 words in length 

Put the exact amount of words there are in the email to the ezine publisher/article announcement list. 

2. No spelling errors

This is as simple as doing a spell check

3. Complete contact details of yourself and a short synopsis of your article

What this means is that when you send an email to say an ezine editor, you include a brief introduction about yourself, your contact information if needed and a short run down of your article. Anyone else but the ezine publisher or article announcement owner doesn't see this. 

4. Word wrap

You will want to wrap your article to 65 characters for each line. What this means is that every line of your article has 65 characters or less in it. This is important for margins in email.

There is a free tool that will do this for you,it will also help you with your article writing as well. You can get it from

5. Article in the body of your email

Never send your article as an attachment in an email. Most people don't open attachments for the fear of viruses, so send all articles only in the body of the email. This is a big stumbling block for newbie writers.

But the best advice I can give you is to follow any guidelines set to the "T". If you are unsure, ask someone.

So what should my email look like to any publisher?

Here are a few examples.

Please consider this article for your website or ezine.
Permission to reproduce if byline stays intact. Courtesy copy appreciated; not required.

TITLE: Kenna, John and Amy are Moving!
AUTHOR: Sharon Wells, The EQ Coach
WRAP: 65

Article Title: Make Your Web Site User-Friendly
Author Name: John Doe
Contact Email Address:
[email protected]
Word Count: 1216
Category: Web Site Design
Copyright Date: 2002

Special Requirements For Reprint: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the complete resource box is included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Please send it to:


Send Your Articles Out To Thousands


Here are the best resources anywhere on the Internet to post your articles. If it's not here, don't bother with it!

Here are a list of ezine directories. You will find hundreds even thousands of ezines that are looking publish articles on all topics.


<> - The best, but it's not free


Now not everyone of the mailing lists you find will accept articles, and not every ezine directory will tell you who does and who doesn't accept articles, so it will be a bit of a process in finding out which ones do and don't.

Make sure you write down all the details of who you submit your articles to and make a directory, so you know where to send them next time.

Here is a list of article announcement sites

- The best of the best


Getting Thousands Of Sites To Link To Your Website

Quality information is the beehive of any good website. If you have quality information, it really is simple to get quality traffic.

To do this we are going to target websites that are on the same topic as your website and search engine ranking. The two really go hand in hand.

What we want to do, is to get as many people linking to our site as possible, as this will increase your search engine ranking ten fold.

To do this, we need to find hundreds of possible link partners for you to ask a link from. This is called reciprocal linking.

So how can you start getting hundreds of sites linking to you?

On your website, we are going to create a section with all your articles you've created and every time you create a new article, you will put it up there as well. 

Of course you can do this for any topic. Just find a website in your field that's very popular and you can see exactly where some of their traffic is coming from.

All you have to do now, is contact these people, telling them you have a new website and you would like to swap links with them.

You can also tell them that the free articles on the site can be used by them as long as they keep your resource box at the end of the article, and if you happen to have an affiliate program, let them put their affiliate link for your product in the byline for extra incentive.

To find the most link partners, do the above for hundreds of sites, and write down all possible sites that you might like a link from.

Yours In Online Success,
Herschel Phillips

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