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Writing Articles

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Total visits: 483
Posted on: 24th Jun 2015

Writing articles is one of the easiest and most effective ways of generating free traffic to your website and getting free advertising.


Ok, so let's determine the purpose of your article. This might sound stupid, but if you don't know what you want your readers to do when they finish reading your article, how will they know what to do?

Here are the usual options that the reader has. 

1. Visit your website link in the resource box 

2. Visit an affiliate link 

3. Subscribe to your mailing list This is one of the better options? Why, because when they sign up for your mailing list, they are giving you permission to contact them via em ail on a regular basis. 

4. Subscribe to your free course 

A) They give you their email address just like they are joining your newsletter
B) They are in the buying mood straight away 
C) You get to give them a sales message at the end of your free 5-day course and it won't look like a blatant plug
D) You can offer them more free courses for years to come
E) Just do it!

5. Refer your article to others 

6. Contact you personally

If you want people to contact you personally, don't make them dig through a website to find your contact details. Put your email address in your resource box, if not your business phone number. 

7. Do nothing

Don't be disheartened if a lot of people don't visit your website or take an action from your article, they could just be freebie seekers looking for free information and are not willing to take an action no matter how good your information is or would be.

8. Flame you

There are some people, who would rather send nasty emails to you instead of giving constructive criticism. Never get in a verbal fight with these people at all costs.

Next you'll want to create a compelling article heading.

#1 - It has to Grab Your Targeted Prospect's Attention

The best ads and sales letters are always the ones which seem as though they were written JUST for you. When you read them, you feel as though they wrote it knowing your every thought and plan. It is your letter!

When a sales letter is written like that, it will sell like wildfire when introduced to it's s pecific target audience. 

#2 - "What's In It For Me"

All of your advertising is based on those 5 little words. The headline is no exception. Your prospect will ask this question of your headline, your letter, your offer, and your order form. You have to give it to them throughout the letter, especially in the headline. If they don't receive it here, they will NEVER read the rest of your letter.

#3 - It should set the tone of the ad and the offer!

Your headline needs to both grab the attention of your prospects and then get them ready to read the ad. You could say that the headline is the "Ad for the Ad." You better have something good to say in the very beginning. Otherwise, you have lost them forever!

How to make your article interesting enough so they click on your resource link

The secret to making your article interesting is to give away enough information to solve one part of the problem, but to leave the other part unsolved so they want more information.

Now if I was writing an article and I had a product to sell on affiliate programs, I would write an article on how to create a site that sells, but leave out the part about advertising your site.

How to write your article quickly and make it a viral marketing machine

To write your article, you have to know where you want the article to go. For instance, are you planning on making this a series of articles that link together?

You must determine the outcome for your article before you can write it.

You should try a nd make your article at least 500 words, and no more then 1000. To do this, outlining the topics you are going to cover and writing 100 or 200 words on each topic, makes the article flow well, and easier to write.


Articles are easy to write when you use this simple pattern.

1. Start by pointing out a problem your reader has. I
2. Then make your reader's problem seem worse. Point out the ways this problem can impact their business, life, and happiness.
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3. Next suggest one to five ways the reader can solve the problem or make the situation better.

4. End your article with a paragraph or two that reviews your most important points. Wrap up with a positive spin that paints a bright picture for your reader.

5. Finally, include your contact info in a final paragraph at the end. Now that readers are impressed by your good ideas, they will want to contact you to pay for more information, services, or products.

Most e-zines like articles a page or two long (200 to 400 words). Magazines increasingly want articles that fill just one of their pages (900 words).

Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Avoid sentences that require lots of commas. The idea is to write in a style that is clear and easy-to-understand for a reader that is in a hurry. I think writing simply is also easier. How-to articles don't have to be fancy.


E-zines are in constant need of fresh articles. Submission procedures are informal. Many welcome unsolicited articles. Simply e-mail the editor an article with a short personal note. You may find it best to first write the editor for permission to send your article.

Most magazines have specific submission rules they want you to follow. Some want you to pitch your article idea in advance via a query letter. Others invite writers to submit articles on certain topics that will be included in future issues. Check magazine web sites for submission guidelines.

Once an editor discovers you can supply them with good articles month after month, you can parlay your articles into a regular column.

Now here comes the enthusiastic wrap-up:

In a complicated world where every problem seems to require an expert, lots of new customers will respond to the useful information you provide. Write your own articles to make yourself an expert in your field. Don't miss your chance to tap into this powerful no-cost form of marketing.
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How to spit and polish your article so it looks like you're a professional writer

The number 1 reason why most articles don't get published is the article is full of spelling errors.

Even if you don't have a spell checker program on your computer, there are plenty of free web based ones.

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If you are having trouble with one or two words, why not try

You will also want to make sure your article flows properly and makes perfect sense.

You might want to print it out and read it aloud a few times, or even get a few other people to do the same.

This is also a good time to see if you've covered everything you've wanted to cover and you're not leaving anything out the reader might need to know. There is nothing worse then an article that either doesn't make sense, or leaves so much information out due to the fear of giving too much away, that it's practically blank and full of fluff no one is interested in.

Yours in online success

Herschel Phillips


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