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5 Major Mistakes You Must Always Avoid When Building Your List

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Total visits: 129
Posted on: 21st Jun 2014

To succeed in online marketing, there are a number of things that you must do. You must first find or develop useful products and information that will serve others. You must also devise powerful marketing strategies to reach many people and build a network of sincere business partners and customers. The problem is that doing any of this will be difficult if you neglect to build a strong email list. You�ve heard it said many times that �the money is in the list� and that you must build a list of your own if you plan to earn a living working online. However, you must be very careful not to commit email marketing faux pas that will not only destroy your online marketing endeavors, but may also destroy your credibility. Here are five mistakes that you must avoid.

If there is one thing that will betray the trust of your email subscribers, and cause them to opt-out, it is spamming. Even though they have given you permission to send them email messages, this does not in any way suggest that you should spam them daily with money making offers and hard sales pitches. Instead, send them �hello� messages with new and useful information at intervals. They subscrembed in the first place, because they believed that you would provide them with something of value. In that case, you want to make sure that you over deliver just that. So, don�t spam! Ever!

Mailing Only When You Want to Sell Something
It�s acceptable to send your subscribers sales pitches every now and then. However, you don�t just want to email them every time you have something to sell. Nothing is more annoying to subscribers than being on a list, and the owner�s only objective is to sell them something. This will surely be the one thing that will upset them enough to unsubscribe. Not only is doing this irresponsible, but it�s also insulting. Don�t do it! Send them gifts, advice, important data, and instructions on a regular basis, but only send them offers every once in a while that you believe will help them.

Committing Writing Blunders in Your Emails

Writing blunders in your email messages is just plain bad and should never happen. The last thing you ever want to do is send emails riddled with spelling, grammatical, punctuation and other type of writing errors. Such emails make you look unprofessional, ignorant, and untrustworthy. Take your time and write good emails, and make sure that you proofread them before sending them out.

Having Long Delays Between eMails
As spamming is unacceptable in one extreme, delaying messages for long periods of time is just as deplorable in the other extreme. The danger in not keeping in touch with your subscribers for a long time is that they will tend to forget who you are. This will eventually lead to them breaking ties with you and unsubscribing from you list. Keep in touch with your subscribers once in a while. Assure them that you are still present and are available to them whenever they need you.

Sending eMails that Don�t Address the Needs of Your Subscribers

If your subscribers opted in because they looked to you for online marketing training, but your emails start focusing on clothing design, they will feel disconnected from you. This is because you are sending them information that does not relate to their needs. At some point, they will become disenchanted and leave. Always give your subscribers what they asked for upfront, and never send them emails with information and offers that they didn�t request.

Avoid these five mistakes at all cost. Don�t spend time, money, energy, and sleepless nights building a good-sized list only to end up losing your subscribers because of costly errors. Over deliver value to them, and do everything possible to maintain a good relationship with each and every person on your list

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