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5 Tips on Building Rapport With Your eMail Subscribers

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Total visits: 138
Posted on: 23rd Jun 2014

Building rapport with your subscribers is one of the most crucial aspects of email marketing. It is just simply not enough to build a massive list of thousands of subscribers, and then send them a message every now and then when you have something to tell or sell them. While the money is in the list, the money will never be there if money is your sole objective. Your aim is simply to help other people and give them something of pure significance. If you help your subscribers get what they want, need, and require; they will, in turn, remain loyal to you forever, and you will eventually get what you want. These five tips will assist you in building rapport with your email subscribers.

Keep in Touch With Your Subscribers Regularly

Reciprocity is the key to any meaningful relationship. Your main responsibility to your subscribers is to maintain a win-win relationship with them. You win by having them on your list, and they win by receiving something of value from you on a regular basis. Your subscribers have to feel like you care about them, and that you will always be there to provide them with useful information and support. You must always reach out to them through your email messages and broadcasts.

Ask About their Needs and Concerns
There is no human being on the planet who doesn�t have wants and needs that must be fulfilled. Your subscribers� will always need to learn and gain something of value. They will also need to know that someone is there to fulfill such needs. You can find out exactly what their needs are by simply sending out an occasional online questionnaire that covers their concerns, inquiries, and interests. Ask them what they would like for you to provide to help them with their online marketing endeavors.

Send them Gifts

One of the best ways to build rapport with your subscribers and strengthen their trust in you is by flooding their email boxes with practical gifts. These gifts should always be connected to their interests and passions. The key significance of the gifts is that they are free, and that there are no conditions, restrictions. or strings attached. These free gift items can include training ebooks, online marketing software, freely-hosted websites, mailer upgrades, or even membership access codes. Send them gifts regularly.

Be Personal
Your subscribers will get to know and relate to you better if they know a little about you. Part of building rapport with your subscribers is introducing yourself and sharing your personal experience. You can do this by first telling them how you got started in your online endeavors, and then talk about the personal struggles that you endured along the way. Then, you can discuss how you overcame your personal challenges and what you learned from them. Your subscribers will soon start to feel connected to you, and also feel that you both share something in common.

Teach them Something
When you impart something of value to your subscribers, they will see you as a teacher and listen to what you have to say. This will come in handy when you want to introduce them to new offers and products, and ask them to either sign up or make a purchase.

If you follow through with these five tips, you will build a strong bond with your subscribers that will endure for years to come. Your relationship with them will be based on friendship, honesty, and trust; and will ultimately earn you a decent living

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