Earn Bitcoin Playing Games

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Total visits: 2144
Posted on: 20th Nov 2021

Bitcoin is the current reigning 'King of Cryptocurrencies'. Like gold, Bitcoin is a finite resource. When they are all mined, there will only be 21 million of them in exsistance. When the other 99.5% of the nearly 8 billion of us humans finally catch on that crypto is a thing, the price per Bitcoin will more than double or triple its current value of about $58K per Bitcoin. Remember, when it was $0.0008 per Bitcoin back in 2009? Ah, those were the days. If only.....


Snap out of it. How can the average Joe / Jane aquire Bitcoin if they don't have a few hundred thousands sitting around. Well there is good news, and some bad news. There good news is you can start to earn Bitcoin today for free. The bad news is you have to do some work (sweat equity) to make it happen. None of this is hard, but it requires some disciple and dedication to a few simple task. Let's dive in. 



Step 1: Join Cointiply - CLICK HERE to join. Pay games, watch videos to earn daily Bitcoin. Earn more by inviting others to join you.

Step 2: Join Infinity Traffic Boost - CLICK HERE to join. Advertise your Contiply link at this site. Surf 100 sites per day to to earn Bitcoin. To multiply your earnings, inite others to join Infinity Traffic Boost.



Also, share with family and friends who are gamers. It's free. Also, to get some free viral advertising, CLICK HERE to join. Increase your reach by leveraging your social mdia posts (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.).



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