Get Paid for Your Data with Gizmoh Connect

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Total visits: 2353
Posted on: 7th Apr 2021

It's YOUR Data. YOU should get paid for it.

NOT Google. NOT Facebook. NOT Uber. NOT Expedia. YOU should be in control of and be compensated for the use of your data.

GIZMOH, formerly ORU, offers an innovative reciprocity income benefit that pays you for your participation each day. The more you use our platforms, software and features, the higher your participation score and the more you get paid. It's a big thank you, for being part of the GIZMOH communities and our acknowledgement that your time is valuable. So do the things you already do every day and if you do them with GIZMOH, we'll pay you for it. Signup is free via this link

Software to help you drive, Software to help you get there

Set your own price, negotiate and keep 100%

Refer another driver subscriber and get paid



Subscription based Driver Software

Free Rider Software



Built-in safety tools, stunning features, easy to use, awesome user interface.



Built-in GeoFencing, notifications and customizable preferences.



Payment and Accounting software included for free. Free software updates.



The Gizmoh Connect interface is currently home to about a dozen service. The cool thing about that is serices can be added and or updated easily. This also keeps the whole processs seamless to the member community.



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