Turkey & Lentil Stew

Turkey & Lentil Stew

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Total visits: 424
Posted on: 24th Dec 2013

It�s 3:19am and I�m hungry. That�s what I get for going to bed at 8:30pm. I wore myself out from trying to walk along the beach yesterday. Note to the wise, don�t attempt to walk a beach after an ice storm. Let�s crack on shall we? The great (and worst) thing about baking a turkey, it�s the gift that keeps on giving. There�s so much of it! I want something substantial this morning and decided on lentils. Ok, that�s all that is left in my cupboard, along with some whole wheat pasta and water chestnuts.

As per my daily working from home routine, I spent a total of 20 minutes prepping and mailing my affiliate offer. I am writing my post while I wait for the stew to be ready. The turkey for this stew comes from my baked turkey blog post (as per my Best Baked Turkey post.

Lentils are very plentiful, inexpensive, and good for you. Most importantly, when prepped right, taste great. I made this as a stew. The difference between a stew and a soup is the amount of water added.

For this recipe, you will need:

1 lbs green lentils

2 medium or large carrots (sliced)

1 medium onion (chopped)

3 Tbsp olive oil

 4 garlic cloves (minced)

1 tsp oregano

1 tbsp curry power

4 bay leafs

� lbs left over baked turkey (diced)

1)      Wash and drain lentils. Add about 3cups water and all ingredients (except turkey). Bring to boil

2)      Reduce heat and cook until carrots are tender. Add turkey and let simmer additional 10 minutes.

3)       Salt and black pepper to taste

4)      Turn off heat. Let rest 10 minutes. Serve.

Ahh, that hits the spot. As always, feel free to remove or sub anything you don�t like or allergic too.

Courtney Thompson, Work@Home Chef, Toronto Canada

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