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Fighting Plant Enemies

The devices and implements used for fighting plant enemies are of two sorts:(1) those used to afford mechanical protection to the plants; (2) those used to apply insecticides and fungicides.Of the first the most useful is the covered frame. It consists usually of a wooden box, some eighteen inches to ... Read More ...
1st Nov 2014

Planting Seeds

Any reliable seed house can be depended upon for good seeds; but even so, there is a great risk in seeds. A seed may to all appearances be all right and yet not have within it vitality enough, or power, to produce a hardy plant. If you save seed from ... Read More ...
1st Nov 2014

Cultivating Your Vegetables

Before taking up the garden vegetables individually, I shall outline the general practice of cultivation, which applies to all. The purposes of cultivation are three to get rid of weeds, and to stimulate growth by (1) letting air into the soil and freeing unavailable plant food, and (2) by conserving ... Read More ...
1st Nov 2014

Which Vegetables to Grow

As a rule, we choose to grow bush beans rather than pole beans. I cannot make up my mind whether or not this is from sheer laziness. In a city backyard the tall varieties might perhaps be a problem since it would be difficult to get poles. But these running ... Read More ...
1st Nov 2014

Planting a Wildflower Garden

A wild-flower garden has a most attractive sound. One thinks of long tramps in the woods, collecting material, and then of the fun in fixing up a real for sure wild garden. Many people say they have no luck at all with such a garden. It is not a question ... Read More ...
1st Nov 2014

How to Grow and Make Your Own Loofah Sponge

The loofah sponge (also called luffa or loofa) is related to squash and watermelon, which are both trailing vines. People use the fruit�s fibrous interior for exfoliating the skin in a shower or bath. Rather than spend a bunch of money on a loofah sponge from the store, why not ... Read More ...
28th Oct 2014

Making a Garden

The first thing in garden making is the selection of a spot. Without a choice, it means simply doing the best one can with conditions. With space limited it resolves itself into no garden, or a box garden. Surely a box garden is better than nothing at all.  But we ... Read More ...
25th Oct 2014

How To Decide on Where to Put Your Garden

In deciding upon the site for the home vegetable garden it is well to dispose once and for all of the old idea that the garden "patch" must be an ugly spot in the home surroundings. If thoughtfully planned, carefully planted and thoroughly cared for, it may be made a ... Read More ...
25th Oct 2014



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