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In A Perfect World You Get Guaranteed Mails!

Rated: , 0 Comments
Total visits: 237
Posted on: 26th Oct 2014
It's time to start a new revolution in mailing!

The numbers of mailers out there is staggering.

The number of mailers that are failing is staggering.

The number of mailers that never fulfill the upgrades purchased by their members is staggering.

It's about time to bring an end to the old way of mailing!

Guaranteed Mails is going to shake up the mailing market by delivering mails according to opened, unique I.P.'s!

That's right!

Your credits are exchanged for views, or opened mails.

Upgrades are based on how many opened mails you get not how many you can mail to.

After all, you can mail to thousands, but if only 10 open your mail you are not going to get very good results.

The prices are beyond reasonable, and Launch Lifetime offers are really a "once in a lifetime" opportunity
 to get an upgrade that delivers from
DAY 1 till the last!

Guaranteed Mails delivering exactly what you expect or BETTER, Every Time!  

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